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IWSC news
Emma Lang will be responsible for driving sales from Chinese wineries and Baijiu distilleries
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The two great Burgundy vintages of 2014 and 2015 have been lauded by IWSC judges with a cascade of top medals at IWSC 2018
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In celebration of World Gin Day on Saturday 9 June, why not help yourself to an IWSC award-winning gin?
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Entry is now quicker and easier for South African winemakers, as judging sessions and consumer tastings will be held at The Vineyard Hotel, Cape Town
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Meet 25+ producers at the Sud de France Annual Trade Tasting in London next week
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Sunday Telegraph wine columnist Susy Atkins selects six IWSC award-winning English sparkling wines
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Some 30 producers were presented with certificates at the London Wine Fair, where winning wines were celebrated in exclusive tastings and masterclasses
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Club Oenologique, a premium membership club, is being launched to mark the 50th anniversary of the IWSC
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The winners include some superb Gold medals from Austria, Greece and Israel
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Two of the most entertaining men in wine are teaming up for the first time next week, and you can see them in action
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