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Each week we publish stories about the best wines and spirits, our experts, upcoming events, and beverage industry news. And, don't miss our new IWSC Insights series, where we take an in-depth look into drinks businesses and markets around the world. Looking for recommendations? Visit our consumer website Club Oenologique to read our top 10s and reviews.
Alternative drinks
Following the IWSC judging of ciders, perries and fruit wines, we caught up with our experts to hear about the highlights of the tasting.
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The IWSC announce their 2023 Low Alcohol, No Alcohol, Lighter Alcohol, RTD, Vermouth and Huangjiu Trophies
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The IWSC announces the shortlists for its 2023 Alternative Drinks Producer Trophies
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Following our extensive judging of several important drinks categories on 21 – 22 June, today we are delighted to reveal our 2023 Alternative Drinks medal results.
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We heard from our judges following two days of judging the IWSC's Alternative Drinks Awards
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On Monday, 19 June the IWSC held the first-ever huangjiu awards in Europe. We caught up with our judges to hear about the highlights of the tasting and the unique flavour profile of this ancient Chinese drink.
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This summer, the IWSC is bringing its international awards to Somerset, South West England, to judge cider, perry, and fruit wine made from 100% juice, not from concentrate.
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CROSSIP has released its own industry report which celebrates the news that 88% of on-trade venues are now offering no and low alcohol alternative drinks for consumers.
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Recognising the growing popularity as well as the increasing quality of entries into its Low & No and RTD categories, the IWSC is delighted to announce the shortlists for two new trophies
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Announcing the results of its alternative drinks categories, the IWSC is proud to share the medals following the 2022 cider judging...
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