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Wine news
Joining us today to oversee the panels tasting wines from Spain and Portugal, we caught up with Master of Wine and IWSC Wine Judging Committee member, Mick O'Connell.
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Overseeing the judging of Italian wines today we hear from Alistair Cooper MW about how the day has gone.
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Wrapping up our sparkling wine tastings for the week, we hear again from Essi Avellan MW who was overseeing the panels for this category.
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After a few days away, he’s back. Overseeing our New Zealand judging, we hear from Dirceu Vianna Junior MW on how the day panned out…
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For the first two days of this week we’ve had Alex Hunt MW overseeing the judging of our wine entrants from Australia. We managed to grab a few moments of his time to hear how judging has been going….
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This year was a first for the IWSC specially selected sparkling wine experts selected for two days of judging worldwide sparkling wines. We caught up with our newest Wine Judging Committee member and Master of Wine, Essi Avellan.
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Kicking off the second week of judging we caught up with Ali Cooper MW to hear how the Italian wines judged at todays tastings faired. “We had four Italian panels today and on the whole it was a happy days judging for our experts though perhaps one of the panels may have had a slightly less exciting day. “A day for lots of good
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As we wrapped up our first week of wine judging, we caught up with John Hoskins MW to hear how the entrants were looking from Burgundy and Beaujolais, as well as Canada and Corsica!
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Following the end of another busy day of judging, we caught up with Sarah Abbott MW to find out how the judging across her panels went...
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Another day of judging our entrants from South America and so back to our expert these regions, and Master of Wine, Ali Cooper.
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