Below you will find all the information you need to submit your samples for tasting by our expert team of judges. If anything is unclear, contact us on info@iwsc.net and a member of our team will be only too happy to help. Don't forget to take a quick look at our terms and conditions.
It couldn't be easier to enter our awards, throughout our website there are 'ENTER NOW' links, or simply click here to get started.
It will take approximately five minutes, but you don't have to complete it all at once if you're short on time – just save your progress and come back to it later.
We recommend all entrants make use of our group shipping offer.
Ship your samples to your local Hellmann Beverage Logistics depot and they will deliver the bottles to us. The price below covers all duty.
If you choose not to make use of our group shipping offer or miss the deadline, you're welcome to make your own shipping arrangements.
Take a look at our FAQs page to see if your question is answered there. If you still require assistance, then our WSET-trained team will be only too happy to help you. Get in touch by emailing info@iwsc.net or calling +44 (0)20 8154 6989.