Shipping your wines & spirits for judging

Once you have entered your wines or spirits into the IWSC for judging, discover how to deliver your samples to us.

The IWSC's Gloabl Judgings have created an opportunity for producers from selected regions to benefit from the expertise and influence of the IWSC, without having to transport wines and spirits to the UK.

Global Judging shipping details

Austria 2024

Delivery details

Please send 2 x bottles of each entry

ÖWI Handels-GmbH
Josef Hafner Strasse 4
2100 Korneuburg, Lower Austria
Note on wine box: IWSC Judging

Delivery timeframe:

1 July - 2 August 2024

More details

China 2024

Delivery details

Please send 2 x bottles of each entry
Global Judging - China (Changji & Tianshan Mountain):

收件人:岳鑫 15810664182

Delivery timeframe: 5 - 16 August 2024

Global Judging - China (EXCLUDING Changji & Tianshan Mountain):

收件人:黄娟 18519598502

Delivery timeframe: 17 June - 26 July 2024


Kentucky 2024

This year, the IWSC is judging all North American Whiskey and RTDs in Kentucky!

Delivery details

Spirits: Please send 2 x bottles of each entry
RTD: Please send 4 x cans (or 1ltr in total) of each entry

Delivery Address:
Kentucky Eagle
Attn: Jim Gann and IWSC
2440 Innovation Drive
Lexington, KY 40511

Delivery timeframe: 1 - 25 August 2024

Delivery instructions from Canada

If you still require assistance, please get in touch by emailing or calling +44 (0)1483 548963.